Welcome to the Manassas Seventh-Day Adventist Church!
All About Us!
We are a forward thinking, guest-sensitive, mission-minded church.
How It all Started:

Back in the late 1950’s a group from the Vienna SDA church felt impressed to start up mission work in Manassas. In 1961 a Branch Sabbath School was established in Manassas. The church planting group started giving Bible Studies and conducting outreach programs, which were all well received. In faith, they purchased a 14-acre parcel of land in 1962 so they could build a church and school.
In 1966 a church was officially formed with 55 charter members. They were renting space in other facilities while they saved up money to build. In 1968 they built a church school with the intention that the church would meet in the school while they grew. The church was very active in local outreach and ministry to the community and grew rapidly. By 1975 the church had 119 members and needed a bigger facility. So they built a gymnasium for their growing church school, and youth programs, and decided to meet in the gymnasium for worship services until a proper worship facility could be built. The church continued its strong local outreach and ministry to the community.
Finally, in 1992 the church began to think about building a worship facility, which was built in 1993-94 with services beginning in March 1995. Our church continues to have a strong focus on reaching our community for Jesus. We believe in ministering to those around us with the love of Jesus, and God continues to bless our efforts. Currently we have over 500 members, and a K-8 church school with 65 students, and are in the process of building a new school building that will accommodate over 120 students. We pray for God’s continued blessing on our church and school and invite you to join us in Sharing Jesus. It’s all about Him!
Our Mission

Growing God’s Family into fully devoted disciples of Jesus.
Our Values

Sharing Jesus. It’s all about Him!
Our Vision

Building a relationship with Jesus
Caring for the community
Sharing the gospel message
Our Philosophy of Ministry

We believe that:
“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow me.’”
-Ministry of Healing p. 143
Where we are headed…

We are focused on Sharing Jesus and ministering to our communities with the love of Jesus.
Our community around our worship facility.
Our community of family, friendships & relationships
Our communities at work and around our homes where we live.
-Check out our vision for more information to see how we are doing this and where we are headed.
Be a part of our story!